Lord Shiva

Ramanathashtakam - A Prayer addressed to Ramanatha

Translated By P. R. Ramachander

Ramanatha, the God of Rameswaram was supposed to have been installed by Lord Rama after the epic war. However, Valmiki Ramayana which does not refer to this implies its installation before crossing the sea.

1. Sri Gajajinam soola kapala paninam,
Jata dharm Chandra kalavathamsam,
Umapathim Kala kalam trinethram,
Sri Ramanatham Sirasa Namami.

I salute with my head that Ramanatha,
Clothed in elephant hide and holding skull and trident in his hands,
Who sports matted tuft and who wears the crescent of moon,
Who is consort of Uma, who killed of God of death and has three eyes.

2. SAmastha papa kshaya divya namam,
Prapanna Samsara gathoushadham thwam,
Nama jjanaa abheeshta vara pradham cha,
Sri Ramanatham Sirasa Namami.

I salute with my head that Ramanatha,
You have a divine name removing all sins,
You are the medicine which removes the ills of life of those who surrender to you,
And also satisfy all desires of those who salute you.

3. Sambham Pravalendhu sila samabham,
Jata alankrutha Chandra moulim,
Dig bheetha vaso vasanam varenyam,
Sri Ramanatham Sirasa Namami.

I salute with my head that Ramanatha,
Who is with Amba, who has pretty hair who appears like the piece of moon,
Who decorates himself pretty moon on his matted hair, who is pretty head gear,
And who wears an apparel which makes all directions scared and who is the best.

4. Pura thraya dwamsana theevra Banam,
Kamanga samhara kapala nethram,
SAndarsana thwa sthalamastha paapam,
Sri Ramanatham Sirasa Namami.

I salute with my head that Ramanatha,
Who is the fierce arrow which destroyed the three cities,
Who has an eye in the forehead which killed the God of love,
And by visiting whose place all sins are destroyed.

5. BHavandha karograha basthi mantham,
SAmsara kanthara mahadavagnim,
Manoradha poorna kala megam,
Sri Ramanatham Sirasa Namami.

I salute with my head that Ramanatha,
Who is the one who saves one from dark prison of fate,
Who is the great fire that would burn the world,
And who is the black cloud fulfilling mind’s desires.\

6. Seethamsu vakthram smitha chandrikadyam,
Kapala malodu gana pracharam,
AAsambharam vyomathanum mahantham.
Sri Ramanatham Sirasa Namami.

I salute with my head that Ramanatha,
Who has a face like the cool moon, who is like the smiling moon,
Who wears the skull garland, who supports the lord of the stars,
Who wears desirable apparel, whose body is the sky and who is great.

7. Surasrua jyeshta, surendra vandhyam,
Surasuroth bhasura bhoosuradyam,
Surabha ga shobhitha sekaram thwam,
Sri Ramanatham Sirasa Namami.

I salute with my head that Ramanatha,
Who is the eldest among devas and asuras, who is saluted by king of devas,
Who shines as the noblest among the devas, asuras and Brahmins ,
Who is honoured by devas and who has a shining crest.

8. Sethor madhye parvathagre pavithre,
Gauryasakam brajamanam mahesam,
Jyothi roopam, Chandra suryagni nethram,
Sri Ramanatham Sirasa Namami.

I salute with my head that Ramanatha,
Who in the middle of Sethu on the holy mountain top,
And who along with Parvathi shines and is the greatest God,
Who has a shining form and has sun, moon and fire as eyes.

9. Ramenaivam samsthutho Ramanadha,
Prathur bhootho ling madhyath bhavanya,
Drushtwa Rudram Raghava poorna Kama,
Nathvaa, sthuthvaprarthayaamasa Shambhum.

When Ramanadha was praised like this by Rama,
He quickly appeared before him along with Bhavani in the middle of the linga,
And after seeing lord Shiva, Raghava whose desire was fulfilled,
Saluted him, praised him and prayed that God Shambhu.

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Aum Namah Shivayah!